This was my first day of work. I am actually really late writing this... :/ Therefor it isn't really fresh in my mind. Rats...
First thing that happened that morning was I woke up early to get ready and eat breakfast. Except for I couldn't figure out how to use his shower. I felt especially blond at that moment. So I stalled. I tried to figure out the shower, I waited for it to maybe heat up, I walked up and down his multiple flights of stairs to waste time and maybe it would heat up. It apparently hated me because it definitely wasn't being cooperative. Turns out it wasn't me after all but that it didn't have hot water hooked up to it yet :) Too bad I didn't think for myself to just go use another bathroom. I got dressed all nice and went into work with my Uncle Gordon. Emily really liked my dress. :) Today was actually probably the most uneventful so far probably because it was the first day and all. I ate a salad for lunch, drank chai tea, filled out a bit of paperwork before I was able to actually work there. That ate up most of the day actually. God bless Ms. Bonnie and Ms. Emily for taking so much time to basically lead me by the hand with all that stuff. They were very patient and kind. :) Basically what Ms. Bonnie had me do was fill out an application, something with the employment files, and get my bank info for direct deposit.
After Uncle Gordon finished with work, we went home and changed into normal clothes. Then he decided we were going to some place... That was really all I knew was that it was some place because he wouldn't tell me where. We drove and drove under all the glorious tall trees that form a tunnel around the roads and streets till we got to a parking lot. We got out and assembled the camera. So it was apparently a picture taking worthy subject. He started walking to the some place. I followed with tripod in hand. We walked for a little bit and I began to hear a loud, rushing noise, almost like wind. We climb a boulder and there is the Great Falls sprawled out before me in a panoramic view. We were on the Virginia side looking toward Maryland with the Potomac River in between. We were right in front of the rapids on an overlook. So we took several photographs of the river and the kayakers and the wildlife. I picked leaves and flowers to press as well.
Like I said. This was a lazy day. What will we do tomorrow I wonder. :)